Classroom Management for Differentiation-Tricks of the Trade

BSD Differentiation Workshop (January 10, 2017) with Molly Kellogg 

Easy Editing for Teachers and StudentsThis video demonstrates a quick and clean method for students to edit their writing after teacher feedback without rewriting their whole draft. This educator shares other great writing ideas in other videos.

True Grit:10 Tips for Promoting Strength, Resilience, and Perseverance Among Your Students.By Jennifer L. W. Fink  Retrieved from, Winter 2013

Inclusion in the 21st-Century Classroom: Differentiating with Technology– Video and article on using avatars to change real-life situations integrated with writing process. Retrieved from LearnNC

Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners:Six Differentiation Strategies for New TeachersVideo on using partially framed sentence strips to support writing and great ideas to integrate into your teacher toolbox for all teachers, not just new teachers. Retrieved from Teaching