Unit 7 Nation-Building and War for Website 1 World War I was fought between the years of A 1910-1914 B 1912-1916 C 1914-1918 D 1918-1920 2 The mystical healer and adviser to Czar Nich olas II and Czarina Alexandra was A Gavrilo Princip B Rasputin C the Black Hand D Archduke Ferdinand 3 The Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassin ated because A Austria-Hungary was set to invade Serbia. B the assassin and his group wanted a separat e Slavic state. C the Archduke had denied the Slavs a voice i n the government. D the Archduke was disliked by all. 4 an agreement between nations not to fight ea ch other and sometimes to protect each other A alliance B armistice C militarism D nationalism 5 Russia declared war on Austria-Hungary becau se A Russia feared an Austro-Hungarian mobilizat ion close to its borders. B Russia counted on the Germans for military assistance. C Russia wanted the territories held by Austr ia-Hungary. D Russia was the traditional protector and al ly of Serbia. 6 France, Russia, and ______________ were memb ers of the Triple Entente. A Austria-Hungary B Serbia C Belgium D Great Britain 7 the glorification of war, the military, and the power it yields A armistice B militarism C mobilization D nationalism 8 The Treaty of Versailles A stabilized GermanyÕs economy. B left Germany weaker, although still a respe cted international power. C left Germany humiliated and resentful of th e Allied nations. D allowed Germany a quick, easy reconciliatio n with its neighbors. 9 The war strategy that called for the quick d efeat of the French followed by an offensive on the Eastern Front against Russia was called th e A Sussex Pledge B Shlieffen Plan C Zimmerman Note D Fourteen Points 10 The purpose of Europe's military alliances was to A begin a war. B build military strength. C support conscription in each nation. D create a balance of power. 11 The Triple Alliance was made up of A Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. B Britain, France, and Germany. C Russia, Austria-Hungary, and France. D France, Germany, and Italy. 12 extreme pride in oneÕs country A armistice B militarism C mobilization D nationalism 13 Britain became involved in WWI because it w as A an ally of the United States. B attacked by Austria-Hungary. C attacked by Germany. D an ally of Belgium. 14 the preparation for war A armistice B militarism C mobilization D nationalism 15 agreement to end hostilities A alliance B armistice C mobilization D nationalism 16 The sinking of the British ship the Lusitan ia helped draw the United States into the war b ecause A it was an American battleship. B it was part of the navy blockade. C there were 128 Americans on board who died. D it had sailed into a war zone. 17 Woodrow WilsonÕs plan for peace that includ ed the ideas of free trade and open diplomacy, national self-determination, and the establishm ent of the League of Nations was the A Sussex Pledge B Shlieffen Plan C Zimmerman Note D Fourteen Points 18 As a result of trench warfare, the war on t he Western Front A became a stalemate. B proved the success of the Schlieffen Plan. C saw the German side dug in, but not the Rus sian side. D saw the French defeat Germany. 19 The Russian Revolution of 1917 was caused i n part by A the czar's poor decisions about the war and the economy. B Rasputin's allegiance to the czar and his f amily. C Trotsky's management of the soviets. D the aristocrats' attitude toward the peasan ts. 20 World War I affected womenÕs jobs in that A more jobs were created just for women. B fewer women worked outside the home. C women filled many jobs that men had held. D women joined the military and lost their jo bs. 21 The territory in France that Germany won in the Franco-Prussian War but were forced to ret urn to France after WWI was the A Alsace-Lorraine B Lusitania C Rhineland D Silesia 22 "No-man's-land" was dangerous because A the soldiers did not know where they were g oing when they tried to cross it. B many soldiers were killed while crossing it . C both sides claimed it as their own territor y and fought over it constantly. D the French were determined not to let it fa ll to the enemy. 23 The event that allowed Germany to sign a tr eaty with Russia, ending fighting in the east w as A the defeat of Russian forces in Poland by t he German army. B a freak, frigid winter that caused Russians to want to end their war with Germany. C the Russian Revolution and establishment of a Communist state. D Czar Nicolas II's desire to get out of the war and help the Russian people survive. 24 The President of the United States during W orld War I was A Churchill B Hoover C Lenin D Wilson 25 Prior to WWI, Europe was divided into two g roups of nation-states united by treaty. German y, Austria-Hungary, and Italy were opposed by R ussia, France, and Great Britain, who were know n collectively as the A Three Democracies. B Triple Alliance. C Triple Entente. D Triple Threat. 26 Woodrow WilsonÕs most important goal at the peace conference was to A make Germany pay for the war it caused. B strip Germany of its overseas possessions. C create the League of Nations. D create an alliance against future German an d Russian threats. Answer Key: Unit 7 Nation-Building and War for Website Question Key 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 D 6 D 7 B 8 C 9 B 10 D 11 A 12 D 13 D 14 C 15 B 16 C 17 D 18 A 19 A 20 C 21 A 22 B 23 C 24 D 25 C 26 C 5/4/15, 10:54:01 AM