October 5 – Day 4

6 3/4
1.  Review rubric for final Oil Pastel Drawings
2.  Fill out Oil Pastel Planning sheet (if you haven’t already)
3.  Continue final Oil Pastel drawings

1.  Decision Day!  Choose which 10 photographs to submit for this project.  Sort through all the photos in your album using the criteria on the rubric to help you make your choices.  Remove the unwanted photos from your album, leaving behind your 10 best.  Make sure your album is titled with your name (first and last).
2.  Fill out the rubric – FRONT and BACK.  You must describe in detail which photograph to print out for display.  Turn rubric in.
3.  Check for Snapseed app – tell me if your iPad has it or doesn’t have it.
4.  Skill Sheets if time allows.

1.  Print out 2 copies of selfie (if you haven’t already).  Selfie must show the Rule of Thirds, face should almost fill the frame, avoid distracting backgrounds, and express your personality in your pose and expression.  THIS WILL BE GRADED.
2.  Trace over contour lines on both selfies.  Pencil first, if needed, finish with sharpie.  THIS WILL BE GRADED.
3.  Cut out photos, put both together in a sheet protector, turn in for grading.

1.  Print out 2 copies of selfie (if you haven’t already).  Selfie must show the Rule of Thirds, face should almost fill the frame, avoid distracting backgrounds, and express your personality in your pose and expression.  THIS WILL BE GRADED.
2.  Trace over contour lines on both selfies.  Pencil first, if needed, finish with sharpie.  THIS WILL BE GRADED.
3.  Cut out photos, put both together in a sheet protector, turn in for grading.

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